Personal Projects

Personal Portfolio Site

This web-site is available on github, which works as an extension to my resume and includes slices of my life. It is built with next js and served on github. Most of the contents are written in markdown file (mdx) and compiled into html using mdx Remote.

Flash Card Web App

This project can be accessed at Built it while preparing for my Japanese N1 exam, since I need an application that can share the flashcard list between devices. It is a web application which users can input their own word list and reinforce their memory by scrolling in a virtual flashcard.

University Projects

Fault Tolerant Chat Application

This project is for Distributed Algorithm course. We built a fault tolerant group-chat application that allows multiple users to log in and perform instant chat similar to Wechat and WhatsApp. We implemented Raft algorithm that serves to create replicated state machines and distribute the data into different nodes; even when some (minority of) nodes fail, the system will keep running. This project is implemented using Spring Boot and Angular. Received almost perfect marking (44/45).

Fact Checking System

This project is for Natural Language Processing course. We built an fact checking system that consist of two components, retrieving relevant information based on BM25 score and then feeding the information into a classifier based on Recurrent Neural Network to determine whether an input claim is supported by evidence or not. Performance ranked top 15% in course ranking.

AI Writing Detector

This project is for Statistical Machine Learning course. We used a transformer encoder based machine learning model implemented in Pytorch for AI detection task; we have a supervised learning task to classify whether a piece of writing is by human or AI. Performance ranked top 15% in course ranking.